Fort Wayne Graduation Tent Rental by Summit City Rental. 2022 Fort Wayne Graduation Tent Rental (... is HERE!)

Your 2022 High School Senior or College Graduate has made it through the gruelling years (especially these last two years). They have worn or not worn a mask, got or did not get vaccinated and saw a crazy election year. However, none of that matters anymore as it is time to celebrate their achievement. You have come to the idea that you want to have a party at your home for saving costs, convenience, and so much more. (Staying away from the icky free pavillion halls by the city or cost way to much reception halls). This post is for the individual looking for the information and how to put it all together. We give you different ideas on Fort Wayne tent rental ideas. You can have a tent rental in your backyard such as a Ft. Wayne Pole Tent Rental which requires grass or you can extend your garage to have a Frame Tent Rental in Fort Wayne. Either way or size of tent Summit City Rental has you covered with an affordable tent rental option that will fit your budget. Plus, we have the must have add ons such as Portable Restroom Rental in Fort Wayne or Porta Potty Rental in Fort Wayne. Also, don't forget about the chaffers or warming dishes. From the smalles to the biggest graduation tent rental, Summit City Rental lays it all out in this post for you. Grab a pop or energy drink to explore the different options and find what is best for you. HERE WE GO on your 2022 Fort Wayne Graduation Tent Rental. 

What type of tent rental do I need? 

This is the first question we ask on the phone and you may need to ask yourself. There are two clear distinctive ways. 

First, you need to think about budget for a tent rental. Budget for a tent rental is affordable for a pole tent versus a frame tent. However, a pole tent must be set up in the grass. Now, of course tents are priced on how big they are. Depending on the approximate number of guests you may want to extend your garage with a frame tent rental in Fort Wayne. Whereas a frame tent rental does not need to be staked into grass and can be weighted down. But, lets take this a step back and go through our guest count first. 

Figuring out guest count for tent rental graduation in Fort Wayne?

Oh... the fun of trying to understand how many individuals will arrive at your son/daughters graduation party. Luckily, you don't need to think of it as a wedding or standard party. Why? Graduations or like an open house. Remember, the times of looking for a home and going into the Fort Wayne home, looking around and leaving the Fort Wayne home? Graduation tent rentals in Fort Wayne follow the same principle. Family members stop by with their gift(s) for them, grab a bite to eat, and leave aftew a few hours. Many individuals just want to pay contribute to your individuals graduation party and thus not staying awhile. Which is great for you because you don't need the 200 chair rentals and a tent rental in Fort Wayne to hold them. 

We recommend that you have seating for 24 - 48 individuals which would include 4 - 6 8 foot tables. Depending on the layout of your home, you may need more tables and chairs versus less tables and chairs. A 20' x 20' tent (pole or frame) will seat up to 48 individuals. You can seat 32 individuals comfortable with having room for 1 - 8 foot table for food and another for gifts or photographs. Either way, you are covered and ready to go. 

Fort Wayne Graduation Tent Rental Differences (Pole Tent Rental versus Frame Tent Rental)

Pole Tent Rental (requiring grass on all sides for staking purposes) 

Graduation Pole Tent Rental in Fort Wayne, IN. Rent a pole tent rental from Summit City Rental for your graduation tent rental.


Pole tents are the affordable Fort Wayne graduation tent rental. They require less pieces and less man power. Unfortunately, they can only be placed in grass. This is great for the graduation tent rentals that have a good size backyard or nice size front yard. Pole tents are called this because they use a pole (called the Center Pole) in the middle of the tent rental. The fabric is brought tight by stakes pulling on the fabric. The sides are held up by 7 foot side pole. The stakes holding the fabric allow the tent to have its dimmension underneath. 

Pole tents like other tents have straps or guide wires coming down from the fabric to the ground to hold the tent in place. The overall dimmensions for a pole tent rental in Fort Wayne is 26 foot x 26 foot. 

Pole tent rentals come basic with just the tent. This means, that sidewalls, lighting, or other tent rental features are an additional cost. With Summit City Rental unlike other Fort Wayne tent rental companies you can add on additional features such as sidewalls to your graduation tent rental the week of your rental date (so long as the truck has not left the shop). Also, you can add on other items too such as lighting or additional tables or seating. 

When it comes to your pole tent rental needs we have you covered. Order your pole tent rental today online or calling (260) 267-6730 to discuss options with our sales team. 


Frame Tent Rental (can be placed on cement, asphalt, or grass)

Where to rent frame graduation tent rental in Fort Wayne. Summit City Rental offers graduation Frame Tent Rental. Frame tents can go anywhere for your Fort Wayne graduation tent rental. They require a few more pieces and man power. Luckily, they can be placed anywhere you like (yes, including roofs). This a great option for a graduation tent rental for adding extra length to your garage (tent rental is placed as closely to the garage to seem like one big area, or you can place it over your driveway for a nice hard surface, have the tent over your back patio where your door slides open or other areas too. This tent is super popular because it can go anywhere. The frame tent rental in Fort Wayne by Summit City Rental includes a frame made from aluminum. To keep the frame square, cables are ran from corner to corner. In the middle, a center pole sits on the cables above your head giving it a unique and stylish design. The tent is then lifted in the air by 8 foot aluminum legs on all four (4) corners. When you walk into the tent it is tall and gradually up to 15 feet taller in the center. With a frame tent there is no center pole to the ground. There is only 4 weights needed in each corner. We can add weights or stakes depending on your location. 

Like the pole tent rental, frame tent rentals do not include accessories such as sidewall rentals, lighting rentals, or other items. 


Fort Wayne Graduation Tent Rental Accessories

Porta Potty Rental in Fort Wayne for your graduation tent rental. Rent a porta potty rental for your graduation tent rental.Porta Potty Rental for your bathroom or portable restroom needs. At Summit City Rental we offer your porta potty rental needs in Fort Wayne or portable restroom rental in Fort Wayne. This is a MUST have for your graduation party rental. Although, our trucks must stay on a hard service this is nice to have on the side of the house. This allows you to lock your bathrooms in your home and for an affordable price rent a portable restroom or porta potty rental from Summit City Rental. the best part is, that they arrive with your chairs, tent, and/or tables. You'll have everything at once when setting up and doing final touches for your graduation tent rental. The porta potty rental does include the essentials. The essenitals for the porta potty rental include: Toilet Paper, Deoderizer, Removing of Waste, and set up/take down. Again, as a reminder we do require our pumper trucks to be on a hard surface when removing waste. This means that the trucks can NOT enter grass and the porta potty rental can be a maxium of 50 feet away. As such, we do sugest putting the porta potty rental to the side of the home if having it in the backyard or side of garage if having the event in the front yard. This allows the porta potty rental to be hidden away and not seen. Trust Summit City Rental a local company for your porta potty rental needs. You'll notice that we offer affordable pricing than the 1-800 numbers do. 

Keep your food warm during your graduation tent rental in Fort Wayne.


We offer practically everything for your party needs. However, we only listed what are the commonly rented items for your graduation tent rental in Fort Wayne so it can be a success. This is a chaffer or food warming dish rental. These are super convenient to have for the warm foods such as meatballs, hamburgers, or other items. This way, you can come off grill duty and know your food is warm/hot with our food warmer or chaffing dish. These are super affordable food warmer dishes and coming with everything except the insert. They do include two sternos or heat fuel cells that lasts 2 hours each. Likely, you'll only need to light one of them and save the other one after the 2 hours. These take full hotel sheet pans. We do rent full pans if needed or you can buy the aluminum from a variety of different supermarket stores. We strongly encourage these food warmer rentals for your Fort Wayne graduation tent rental. 



Another must have essential items are chairs and tables. Of course this all comes down to preference or wanting to match what you currently have. We offer affordable chair rentals in Fort Wayne, Indiana with white samsonite chair rental or black samsonite chair rental. Each chair rental in Fort Wayne is affordable, easy to fold, and easy to transport. Also, you have tables; the popular tables include 5 or 60" Round Table Rental or 8 Foot Banquet Table Rental. These two tables are fairly popular because there common sizes you see in all facilities. However, on top of these different tables you can change it up by needing a 6 foot table rental for inside the home or garge. It is nicer because it is a little smaller. Another option is the cockail table rental. The cocktail table rental is likely overlooked because it's an item you see in the background. However, the cocktail table rental is great because it is sleek in design and has a full 2 foot circle on top to stand and have a bite to eat or drink or place a nice picture with a guest check in. The cocktail table rental is a must have, for any graduation because of their sleek design and multi functional items they do. 


Patio Heater Rentals. These are nice to have for evenings if planning on having an evening party as they are nice to have for warmth outside. Although graduation are technically done in the summer or end of spring they are still nice to have for that nice warmth. They are easy to transport if being picked up or easy to move as needed. Honestly, you just can not go wrong with a patio heater rental. A patio heater rental is great and gives a great atmosphere. 


Finally, the essential graduation tent rental Fort Wayne list is our battery powered speaker rental. This makes the list because its a speaker. Lets face it, we love hearing music especially when awkward situations occur. Why does the battery powered speaker rental make this a must. First, its an affordable rental price in Fort Wayne, IN. Second, it's battery powered meaning you can place it outside or anywhere you want without an extension cord. Finally, it is bletooth or radio; did we mention it also comes with a corded microphone too? The bluetooth, allows your grad to have their music playing while guests arrive. Plus, they can quickly change the playlist through the phone, tablet, or computer. 


Some other semi-popular items are the yard games, but we won't go into detail and just lay the link here if interested. These don't make the list because there not highly rented with us, but doesn't mean they arent seen at Fort Wayne graduation tent rental events.